January 20, 2025: Today I Wannabe a Calm, Cool, and Collected Parent (Ha!)
Home/Wannabe Diary / January 20, 2025: Today I Wannabe a Calm, Cool, and Collected Parent (Ha!)
January 20, 2025: Today I Wannabe a Calm, Cool, and Collected Parent (Ha!)

Dear Wannabe Diary,

Ah, Monday. The day I once hoped would feel like a fresh start post-chaotic weekend. But today? Today was just an extension of last week’s chaos, with a sprinkle of toddler theatrics to keep things interesting.

Toddler Home Stretch: The Final Countdown

The pediatrician suggested keeping my toddler home until tomorrow’s check-up to make sure her bloodwork looks good. Translation: I’ve been stuck in toddler tantrum purgatory for one. more. day. And let me tell you, Wednesday (aka daycare day) cannot come fast enough.

It’s not that I don’t love spending time with her—I do. But after a week of all-day every day with my little firecracker, we’re both over it. She’s crying, I’m crying, and my poor partner is trying to mediate. She’s so over it, she’s fake-pooping to get my attention. Yes, fake-pooping. She pulls her pants halfway down, yells “poop poop!” and looks at me expectantly. Spoiler: there’s no poop—just a desperate attempt to snag my phone during diaper changes. Genius? Yes. Annoying? Also yes.

Screen Time Detox: A Family Struggle

We were generous with screen time while she was sick (rookie move, I know), and now that she’s better, cutting it off has been... fun. Imagine a mini Hulk screaming for Miss Rachel like her life depends on it. And don’t even get me started on giving her antibiotics. Her terms are simple: screen time = compliance. No screen time? I can expect a mouthful of pink medicine spat directly onto her freshly washed pajamas. It’s a blast.

We’ve always been careful about screen time, but even a few days of indulgence turned her into a tech addict. Now it’s back to books, wooden toys, and... whatever random household items she decides are fun today. Current obsession: colorful wooden balls she sorts into matching cups. She’s so into it that half of them are probably living under the couch by now. But hey, at least it keeps her occupied.

A Partner, A Plan, A Frustrating Argument

Today, my partner worked from home and offered to take her to tomorrow’s appointment since I still can’t lift her. Bless him. That said, we had a minor spat—nothing major, just the usual “I’m frustrated and tired, so I’ll nitpick you” kind of argument. It started when he suggested I spend more time with her in the afternoon. Excuse me, sir, who was with her all morning while you worked? Exactly.

I know he meant well, but it hit a nerve because, like many moms, I already carry an unnecessary amount of guilt. Am I with her enough? Am I working too much? Am I setting the right example? Newsflash: guilt is exhausting, and I’m officially done with it. Joe Dispenza says guilt is useless, and if Joe says it, it must be true. Sorry, guilt—you’re out.

The Bolognese Miracle

Cooking today was a win. Thankfully, I had a stash of my frozen bolognese in the freezer. I make a big batch every couple of months—two kilos (4.4 pounds) of lean pork and beef minced fresh by my butcher (because supermarket mince is a texture nightmare). I keep it simple, slightly dry, and under-seasoned so it works for everything: lasagna, burritos, stuffed veggies, you name it.

All I had to do was defrost, add a splash of tomato sauce and seasoning, cook some spaghetti (fusilli for the toddler), and whip up a salad. Voilà—dinner in 10 minutes. Pro tip: always cook extra pasta so you can serve the same meal for dinner. No one complained, and I felt like a genius. Win-win.

Ending on a Mindful Note

The day was exhausting, but I survived. Tonight, I treated myself to two back-to-back meditations—one for confidence and another to clear the day’s negative vibes. Before bed, I made sure to manifest a good night’s sleep, a tantrum-free tomorrow, and a much-needed energy boost.

Here’s hoping the universe delivers. Goodnight.

Signing off,

Wannabe Chill (but Barely Holding It Together)

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Excuse me 😅

I laughed so hard at ‘Excuse me, sir, who was with her all morning?’ Preach, mama!


I’m taking notes on your bolognese prep strategy

Give me more

Your writing is therapy 💕

relatable af

Reading this while my toddler fake cries for snacks 😫😫 we’ve got this sister! 🫠

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